
इ'म सो वैरी...

I could very well be the biggest blog slacker around. I just get so much joy from reading everyone else's that I forget about my own obligation!

I know, lame excuse...

So, my town has been shut down for the past three days, not enough snowplows or salt or shovels to handle the storm of the century!

Of course, I love the snow, and am feeling the Christmas spirit like crazy! I'm even looking up recipes for roasted chestnuts and baking cookies!

Oh, check out my genius cookie recipe: take your favorite choc chip cookie recipe, (I like the Joy of Cooking one), add an equal part (to the vanilla) of orange extract, and top cookies with slivered almonds. I made them tonight and they are amazing. Just don't cook them too long.

Brian and I went to a restaurant I've wanted to try since we got here. And I ate some of his chicken. It was really good. I guess it's official, I'm not a vegetarian, I'm not even a pescetarian. Lately I'm more concerned with the destruction of the ocean than the welfare of chickens in factory farms, I guess I can still be haughty with some morals somewhere....