
April brings flowers, they're everywhere. The trees look like pink cream puffs and the ground is speckled with yellows, reds, whites...

In the forest, everything came alive in one week. We had a few hot days and now everything is bright and thick and green. The forest floor is wound tight with vines and little purple flowers. And now, my favorite forest flower after lady's slipper and jack-in-the-pulpit: the trillium has sprung.

In clusters of thick green leaves nestle their bright white flowers. It is especially beautiful when you see them growing out of a muddy, littered area. Not that my forest has many of these, but I like the juxtaposition.

I once lived in a city that had a vegetarian restaurant called "Trillium Soup", but now I can't remember which city that was...

I planted some flowers in a pot on my balcony, not sure if they'll make it, they were on sale at the big box grocery, and don't look so hot. Soe reminded me that Emmy had a ficus from Price Chopper that started off sickly, but in the end, she had to kill it almost deliberately. That gave me hope... what was that ficus' name? Oh yeah, Fistula.

Here are some more flowers from around my house and in the forest:

1 comment:

Emma and Kevin Kouri said...

Oh my fistula. Do you know why it was called that? It had a big huge gaping hole in its trunk. That thing got so overgrown after 8 years that I decided to cut it back to the trunk. Go figure, it never grew back! Kevin was thrilled to throw it in the dumpster. xoxo