
La Fin?

I finished book seven yesterday. And no, I don't think it's over for good. And no, the end did not include my ultimate prediction, but I was right about one important thing that shall not be divulged on this page.

Is it a vice to be an addict? Does the answer truly lie in the source? Or the outcome? Do we measure evil by the number of victims?

If the latter is so, I can count the ones who's calls I ignored as I reached pages 133 & 556, for example. Or the stories that fell on deaf ears as I relinquished my soul to the outcome, and didn't much care what happened yesterday or the day before, or what was happening that moment, if it wasn't a part of her world. JK's, of course.

I saw the new movie this week as well. And that didn't help in the glazey-eye and disconnected-brain department. But isn't that what Harry Potter is all about? Becoming fully invested in the possibilities that are held in the realm of fantasy?

To quote an old friend: "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"

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