
NEKin' it.

Here in Vermont, there is a whole lot of snow. Feet of it. And last night, it got down to -14 below zero. I'm as happy as a clam about it. Papa bought me a pair of winter boots at Pick and Shovel ("Pick and Shove It" to those in the know). He said that since Ames closed down, Pick & Shovel has expanded to include all types of inner and outer wear, whereas it used to be mostly a hardware and building supply center.

We went to lunch at the East Side, sat on the porch and looked out over the frozen white lake. I thought that it looked a little empty without all the little ice shanties, Papa said they aren't allowed out on the lake until after the 14th of January.

I'm especially glad about the boots, because I've been wearing Em's special ones that she bought in Quebec city which are 3 sizes too big for me. And then I could effectively go snowshoeing around the front field without my feet slipping out. Sadie came with me and led the way like a real sled dog.

Right now, the fire is blazing and Papa is making a pot of freshly roasted Guatemalan coffee. Mummy is trying to remember her password for her blog so she can finally write in it again after 8 months of cyber silence. I'm fixing to make a pot of vegetable soup, something clean and hearty after weeks of junk. Gee Whiz!

I'm very excited about the prospect of adding photos to my blog. Soe & Col gave me a digital camera and I've already taken 350+ pictures.

We're contemplating a jaunt for the day tomorrow, but I'm going to try to go into the woods early and take even more pictures.

Coming back up here with Wasuck last night, we talked about our favorite Vermont towns. Mine has always been Eden. No matter what, Eden always has the most snow. And it's so hilly and beautiful, like a cozy white blanket lying peacefully over the evergreens and cabins. Isaac thinks I'm crazy because the cops there give tickets out like every day is Christmas, and I realized he's right. Everyone gets tickets in Eden. Maybe I like Eden for its name. Also, it's about halfway between Newport and Burlington, where the people that I love reside. One day, I hope to have a cabin in Eden. I'll keep an old truck in the barn and spend summers there. Or go in the winter for silent retreats... one day.

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